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Rickmansworth Sailing Club hits double figures for Classic International 14 Open

by Claudia Wilson 21 Jun 2021 21:05 BST 12-13 June 2021
Rickmansworth Sailing Club Classic International 14 Open © Amy Francis

After not being held last year, there was a real buzz in the air at Rickmansworth Sailing Club on Saturday 12th June as TEN classic International 14's crossed the bridge for its annual open. The 17 strong fleet of Fireflies led the way, allowing the 14's to have a more relaxed start to the day. Visitors from as far as Weymouth and Trent Valley arrived for leisurely rigging in time for a 3.30pm start.

Race Officer Jonathan Carter, set a brilliant course around the cans with many opportunities for gains and losses. The fleet was keen to get away with Doug Walker ending up the wrong side of the start line, but a fair race was observed by all. In true Rickmansworth fashion it was shifty and gusty, with three boats finding themselves lost working their way around the course. Up the front, it was a family affair, with James Bradbury, crewed by his young daughter Sasha taking the win, followed by James Vaughan, crewed by his son Sam.

Making the most of the beautiful weather, the fleet enjoyed a beer and BBQ after sailing, put on by club members. Making up for missing last year, it was encouraging to see the fleet drinking the bar dry of beer and hearing stories of parties until 3am and sleeping in cars.

Sunday was an earlier start and sailors were greeted to another hot day, with a lake that resembled a glass mirror. After a short postponement there were a few glimmers of hope of some sort of wind filling in. Jonathan Carter set a simple course, getting the fleet away whilst there was still wind. Another tricky Ricky race, with helms having to constantly be looking for shifts and gusts whilst crews gave it their all in roll tacks. After a short 45 minute race, the winners were Alastair Wilson and John Watling in Tiercel, closely followed by James and Sam Vaughan.

Sailors used the lunch break as an excuse to get out of the blazing sun and fill up on leftover BBQ from the night before. It was great to see other 14 sailors and club members come down to watch the final race of the day over tea and cake.

The sun was getting hotter and the wind was disappearing, but sailors valiantly got ready for the main race of the weekend for the Rickmansworth Classic 14 Open Trophy, a large model 14 trophy case. It was agreed to shorten it from two hours to just the one due to the winds and heat. Whilst the wind was minimal, the racing was full of action. The best way to describe the racing would be snakes and ladders with James & Erica Bradbury fighting with Alastair Wilson & John Watling for the lead, up until the last 15 mins when Alastair and John pulled away to get a strong lead to take the win. Tiercel, 363 was the oldest (and prettiest) boat on the water, built in 1936, it was the perfect weekend for her to show the older boats how it's done!

A perfect weekend for the rejuvenation of the classic 14 fleet, seeing the biggest fleet for many years with all sailors spending the whole weekend smiling. Families spent the time sailing together, swimming in the lake and enjoying the hospitality of RSC. Of the 10 boats, two were helmed by females with Claudia Wilson and young Joanna Walker giving it a go and at times showing the more veteran 14 sailors how it's done.


Rickmansworth Transom - James & Sam Vaughan, Rickmansworth Sailing Club in 935 (Seawitch)

Rickmansworth Classic 14 Open Trophy - Alastair Wilson & John Watling, Rickmansworth Sailing Club in 363 (Tiercel)

A special thank you is owed to Rickmansworth Sailing Club for a truly brilliant weekend and the Classic 14 fleet now look forward to going to Blakeney later this summer for some more close racing.

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