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Sailingfast 2018 728x90

RC Laser TT at Ayr Bay Model Yacht Club

by Gordon Neil 24 Apr 2013 14:30 BST 20 April 2013

A great day's sport with strong winds, initially from the South and subsequently veering to the South West, and easing just a little, which demanded the re setting of the standard triangle / sausage course following the lunch break.

Seven participating skippers, including Dave Fowler, the UKRCLA racing Secretary who travelled up from Nottingham for the event.

We had tremendous fun sailing, initially using the C sail then being caught in a dilemma: Continue to use the C sail or move up to the B sail, as Dave Fowler did and demonstrated his further advantage passing all and sundry downwind?

The move up to the 'B' sail proved to be the critical decision. Some, particularly Pat Johnston, coped but others were penalised badly by nose diving, stalling and generally being over pressed. For those who could handle the sail it made a difference, for those who could not, a change back to C sail and suffering the downwind disadvantage was the only option.

Twenty two of the races sailed were won, in no uncertain fashion, by Dave Fowler who gave an object lesson to all in the unique skills required to handle the R/C Laser Laser. I would like to think the remaining skippers participating learnt a lot from him. Well done to Dave.

A very worthy second place was taken by Pat Johnston who did handle the bigger sail well but suffered a good few bad moments: being hooked up on marks, missing marks and ending up on the beach on one occasion. Strong possibilities of better scores in the future. Watch this man.

Gordon Neil and Bruce Davidson took 3rd and 4th places with very similar scores. A near run thing.

Overall Results:

1st David Fowler, 27pts
2nd Pat Johnston, 69pts
3rd Gordon Neil, 76pts
4th Bruce Davidson, 78pts
5th Gordon Winton, 103pts
6th Bob Hughes, 110pts
7th Norman McDonald, 143pts

Thanks to all who participated, including Billy Lees who acted as line judge and score recorder.

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